Project Black 'n Blue

Day 24 (April 18/2010)

Got the front bumper back on. I wanted to throw some fresh paint on it while it was off, but I used up all my paint
the other day on the rock sliders. I'll get some paint on the the bumper the next time I work on the Bronco.

I cut open the bottom of the B pillars so I could get an idea of what work needed to be done.

The pile of mud that came out of the drivers side.

The passenger side didn't have any hidden mud, but the rot is just as bad.

Now to come up with plan of attack.

I'm not digging the gap between the grille and bumper (due to the taller
Super Duty body mounts), but I'll have to get used to it.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or see any errors, please let me know.....

Last updated on April 18/2010

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