October 3/2004 @ Harrison West

  In Attendance:

Chris - Ford Bronco (blue)
Doug - Jeep Comanche (red) 
David - Ford Ranger (green)
Inder & Marta - Ford Explorer (beige)

Doug coming out of a creek crossing
under the powerlines. 

Inder playing in some loose sand.

David checking things out.

The harder way out of Hale Creek. 

The harder way out of Hale Creek.

The harder camera shot.

The harder way out of Hale Creek.

David climbing the V-rock on the way
to Sunrise Lake.

No problems.

Inder playing around at the first campsite
at Sunrise Lake.

Inder playing around at the first campsite
at Sunrise Lake.

Inder playing around at the first campsite
at Sunrise Lake.

Inder playing around at the first campsite
at Sunrise Lake.

Inder playing around at the first campsite
at Sunrise Lake.

Inder playing around at the first campsite
at Sunrise Lake.

Inder playing around at the first campsite
at Sunrise Lake.

Looks easy.

Doug's turn.

No problems, although that is the easy way.

Inder takes the hard way up.

TTB at work.

Momentum is your friend.

Now for my carnage. Dent #1.

Dent  #1.

Dent #1.

Dent #2.

Dent #2. This fender seems to like dents.

Dent's #3 and #4.

Dents #3 and #4.

Just another good day of wheeling!


If you have any comments, suggestions, or see any errors, please let me know..... cbradley@telus.net

Last updated on October 6/2004

All contents on this site are property of Chris Bradley. No content on this site may be reproduced without the express permission of Chris Bradley.