October 8/2007 @ Hut Lakes

  In Attendance:

Chris & Doug - Ford Bronco (blue)
Indir - Ford Explorer (beige)
Wil - Toyota p/u (beige)

Airing down.

The start of the trail. We decided to take a more challenging line.

Lower Hut Lake.

Further up the trail.

This is the Trench, with the Waterfall in the distance.

Climbing into the Trench.

The Waterfall.

Not enough traction to go any futher.

Indir's turn in the Trench.

Now for the Waterfall.

He almost had it.

Wil's turn at the Trench.

He tries the same line up the Waterfall that we couldn't make.

Again, just not enough traction to take this line.

Upper Hut Lake.

Heading down the Waterfall.

Congestion in the Trench.

Wil picked an interesting line further down the trail.

Indir tried the same line and got into a pickle.

He ended up backing out and taking the other line.

I had to give it a try.

No problems.

Scenic shot.

We were worried about that last stretch, and seeing as how
Wil has the most capable rig, we sent him in first.

It was slick.

If you heard a loud bang around 4pm, this is what it was.

He broke it good!

The rest of us took the easy way.

Big Blue anchor to the rescue.

Wil winched up to level ground.

The pinion was locked up, so he was dragging the rear tires.

Wil and Doug pulled the axle shafts, ragged and taped them off, then Wil winch up the last little bit.
Wil got to enjoy the drive home with his Detroit equipped front axle. Oh what fun!

Wil has a lot of excellent pictures on his Flickr page, which I will link to soon. Here are a few samples:


If you have any comments, suggestions, or see any errors, please let me know..... cbradley@telus.net

Last updated on October 9/2007

All contents on this site are property of Chris Bradley. No content on this site may be reproduced without the express permission of Chris Bradley.