February 10/2008 @ Eagle Ridge

  In Attendance:

Chris & Morgan - Ford Bronco (blue)
Indir - Ford Explorer (beige)
Wil - Toyota p/u (beige)
Mike & JP - Toyota p/u (red)

  Airing down.

Normally we do this down under the powerlines, but the
entrance was slick. Mike managed to get in right away.

Looking down the powerlines.

The trail to the gasline.

The bypass.

This spot gave me a hard time.

Indir's turn.

This snow was slick.

Once back on the road, I decided to air
down a bit more; traction was terrible.

Another truck coming up behind us.

The others came back down to check on us.

Looking down the road.

  Wil was stuck at the corner to the start of the trail.

There was a lot of water under the soft snow.

Wil gave it his best.

  Winch time.

Mike's turn.

I ended up in the ditch.

  The guys noticed that the end of my winch cable had come loose
from the drum, so we stopped winching. Backing out was fun.

Heading back through the bypass.

Another truck heading up.

Inder plowing through the snow under the powerlines.

We took one last run up the gasline.

Indir's custom snow-caps.


If you have any comments, suggestions, or see any errors, please let me know..... cbradley@telus.net

Last updated on February 10/2008

All contents on this site are property of Chris Bradley. No content on this site may be reproduced without the express permission of Chris Bradley.