January 1/2008 @ Eagle Ridge

  In Attendance:

Chris - Ford Bronco (blue)
Indir - Ford Explorer (beige)
Wil - Toyota p/u (beige)
James, Kolton & Dakota - Ford Bronco (red)

Airing down under the powerlines.

James playing around.

The mess left by thieves.

Heading up the trail. James left his truck here and jumped in with Indir.

We hit deep snow quickly.

I was having a bit of trouble here.

Somebody had a worse day than us.

Wil coming to my aid.

It doesn't look bad, but I couldn't move.

Indir waiting for me to move.

Indir makes it look easy.

You had to get a good run to get over this lip.
Wil was the only one to make it on his own.

More stuck and more Wil to the rescue.

A little deep.

Wil towed me to the creek, where I aired down a bit and managed to turn around.

Wil showing off.

Out of the blue this lady appeared.

Heading back down the trail.

Indir managed to turn himself around.

A nice view.

This one speaks for itself.

Ready to hit the pavement.


If you have any comments, suggestions, or see any errors, please let me know..... cbradley@telus.net

Last updated on January 3/2008

All contents on this site are property of Chris Bradley. No content on this site may be reproduced without the express permission of Chris Bradley.