July 2/2012 @ Harrison West

  In Attendance:

Chris & Doug - Ford F-250 (red)
Indir - Ford Ranger (red)

GPS track of the day.

Airing down.

A short trail off the main road.

Indir's in-cab view.

One of the creek crossings heading down the "easy" way to Hale Creek.

Indir showning of his stock Ranger flex.

It is not to often that you get to squeeze past an abandoned trailer on the trail.

The new shelter at Hale Creek.

Two red Ford's taking a quick break.

Harrison Lake; very high water line.

Heading up the "hard way".

The rocks look a lot larger when you are in a stock truck.

Clifford's turn.

After some creative driving, he makes it unscathed.

Lunch at Chehalis Lake.

Indir guarding his steak.

The rain was on and off all day.


Indir's self photography.

Indir playing in an old gravel pit.

The short trail from earlier in the day, but in reverse.

One of the powerline trails gets you to this nice obstacle.

Both trucks made it with ease.

Clifford showing off his chicken wings.

Aired up and ready for home.


If you have any comments, suggestions, or see any errors, please let me know..... cbradley@telus.net

Last updated on July 2/2012

All contents on this site are property of Chris Bradley. No content on this site may be reproduced without the express permission of Chris Bradley.