04+ needles I got from a fellow
This set has two tachometer needles. so I won't have to do any trimming.
With the cluster out of the vehicle, remove the lens and plastic
Note where the needles are positioned.
Remove the old needles.
Install new needles.
All done. I went for a test drive before putting the dash back
together, and all readings were off. After some tuning, I got the RPM,
speedo and
temp dialed in. The fuel gauge is reading properly, but is also up
against the stopper. I will have to monitor it for a while and report
A couple of night shots (dome light on in the right).
If you have any comments, suggestions, or see any errors, please let
me know..... cbradley@telus.net
Last updated on September 14/2013
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without the express permission of Chris Bradley.