LED Tail Lights

I got tired of draining the water out of my stock tail lights all the time, so I got myself a pair of LED tail lights from Spyder Auto.

Spyder #ALT-YD-PGP97-LED-RC.

Stock lights.

Stock on left, LED on right.

Stock on left with Putco LED back-up bulb, LED on right with 3157 back-up bulb.

Same as above, but LED with Puto LED back-up bulb.

Close up with park lights and back-up on.

Both LED lights installed.

Stock on the left, LED on the right. Looks way better!

Park lights on.

Park lights and back-up lights on.

Stop lights and back-up lights on.

Looks much better than the stock one's.

Video of the park lights flashing using the keyfob.

Stock lighting on the left, LED lighting on the right.

Stock lighting on the left, LED lighting on the right.

Stock lighting with LED back-up bulb on the left, LED lighting with LED back-up bulb on the right.

Stock lighting with LED back-up bulb on the left, LED lighting with LED back-up bulb on the right.

Stock lighting with LED back-up bulb on the left, LED lighting with LED back-up bulb on the right.

LED park lights.

LED brake lights.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or see any errors, please let me know..... cbradley@telus.net

Last updated on April 9/2011

All contents on this site are property of Chris Bradley. No content on this site may be reproduced without the express permission of Chris Bradley.