LED Underhood Light

May 9, 2015

2 12" strips, a switch and lots of wire.

The tape on these was horrible, so I put some ProForm double sided tape on both LED strips. The mounting
area was cleaned with brake-clean, and I used a heat-gun to ensure the best possible adhesion.

The wires were shortened accordingly and run thru plastic loom. The switch was mounted to the strut tower (again with the horrible
tape). Power came from the power-tap on the fuse box, and ground came from the washer reservoir mounting screw.

Test: off, on.

I used an inline fuse holder for now. I want to rig
up an auxillary fuse block for all the add-ons.

The LEDS are firing almost straight down for the best possible lighting.

All done.

Night shot that makes things look a lot brighter than they are.

A better picture of the light output.

A better picture of the light output.

November 11, 2015

After leaving the light on a few times, I decided to use the pin switch for my alarm to turn on the light. Turned out that the pin swith
was very corroded and not working properly, so I had to get a new one....

New pin switch installed. I put a small piece of heater hose around
the bottom of the switch to help keep things clean.

Now when the hood is released, the light comes on.

Still nice and bright.

February 20, 2016

I was doing some work on the car and had the hood up. Noticed that some of the LED's were out.....

Left side.

Right side.

Funny enough, after going for a short drive, all the LED's were working.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or see any errors, please let me know..... cbradley@telus.net

Last updated on February 20/2016

All contents on this site are property of Chris Bradley. No content on this site may be reproduced without the express permission of Chris Bradley.