Spoiler Spacer

May 29, 2011

I did some reading and found that the spoiler on my car doesn't sit right flat on the trunk lid; it sits just high enough to let debris underneath.
Also, due to fatigued rubber grommets on the bolts, water that gets trapped underneath will weap into the trunk. A simple fix for this issue is
to put rubber washers under the six mounting points, thus lifting the spoiler up enough to allow water and small debris to flow underneath it.

How the spoiler sits from the factory.

Six nuts need to be removed to get the spoiler off.

A little dirty underneath, but not to bad for 9 years of build up.

I used degreaser and cut polish to clean the trunk
lid, then applied wax to protect the paint.

I got these washers from my local hardware store.

Spoiler cleaned up.

New rubber washers in place. I also put some black RTV silicone
on the nuts; this will keep any water from weaping through.

All back together. I'll have to wait for the next
car washing to see how well it works.

June 4, 2017

This past winter I noticed water was getting inside the trunk lid. Assuming it was through one of the mounting holes, I removed the spoiler
to see what was going on. There was no visual indicator of where the water was getting in, so I cleaned everything up, came up with a taller
spacer, and used lots of silicone to over-seal everything.

Spoiler removed.

Trunk lid all cleaned up.

Steel washers siliconed to the trunk lid.

Back together; nice gap.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or see any errors, please let me know..... cbradley@telus.net

Last updated on June 4/2017

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