Footwell Lighting

Adding Accent & Dome Lighting To The Front Footwells

Mounting the LED strips.....

Drivers side panel / passenger side panel.

Drivers side panel / passenger side panel.



RGBW Multicolor 5050SMD LED strips #DD2251 and RGBW Bluetooth controller #DD3066
from Diode Dynamics for the accent lighting.

Powered up and testing the brightness.

Cut length to 8".

Drivers side panel; adding the RGBW strip.

Passenger side panel and the RGBW strip.

SMD5050 white LED strips for the dome lighting.

Cutting down the white strips.

Needed another trim; cut length to 6".

Drivers side panel; adding the white strip.

Passenger side panel; both strips added.

Both panels with LED strips added.

Test of the RGBW strips

Test of the RGBW strips.

Test of the white strips.  


Right side finished.

Final test and ready for install.


Left side finished.

Tapping into the dome light circuit.....

The hole and wiring.

Dome light removed.

Microphone removed and ready to work on.

Wires soldered to the dome light.

Wires routed, shrinked together and tied down. Wiring connector on as well.

Wiring harness done.

Final test.

Ready for install.

Installing in the vehicle....

Ran the wiring over and down behind the right a-pillar panel.


Back in place.

Wiring harness to connect the two sides together.

Left side installed and tested.

Right side installed and tested.

Wiring up the accent lighting.....

Tapped into the wire I used for an auxilliary 12v outlet which is ignition hot.

Got two 3' extensions to make the install easier.

Night shot; red, at full brightness.

Output shots.....



Around 20% brightness in the daylight.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or see any errors, please let me know.....

Last updated on April 20/2024

All contents on this site are property of Chris Bradley. No content on this site may be reproduced without the express permission of Chris Bradley.