Chris' Amputee Page


February 4/2024
Got a blister on my left foot that led to another amputation.
(story starts 11/2023, amputation 02/2024)

May 2/2023
Checked in to Langley hospital due to health concerns.
Turns out I had CIDP and it was kicking my ass.
This will be a long recovery (potentially 12+ months).

December 31/2022
Noticed a new mole on my head. After getting it removed, it turned out to be malignant, so had to get a second surgery.
September 6/2020
I became a right below knee amputee (RBKA).

Parking Shame.


Home Amputee Page CIDP Page

If you have any comments, suggestions, or see any errors, please let me know.....

Last updated on February 5/2024

All contents on this site are property of Chris Bradley. No content on this site may be reproduced without the express permission of Chris Bradley.